what is the difference between vegan and vegetarian?

what is the difference between vegan and vegetarian

In veganism all animal products such, as dairy and eggs are avoided, while in vegetarianism meat is excluded but dairy and eggs are permitted.

Names, like “vegan” and “vegetarian” often lead to confusion, among individuals. Although these terms are frequently used interchangeably they actually represent choices. In this article, we will explore the difference between vegan and vegetarian diets.

What is a Vegetarian?

What is a Vegetarian

A person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or dietary reasons. However, they can still eat milk and eggs. A vegetarian can confide on the following diets :

  1. Lacto-ovo-vegetarian: This diet excludes meat and poultry but allows fish and seafood.
  2. Lacto-vegetarian: A diet excluding meat, fish, poultry, and eggs but including dairy products
  3. Ovo-vegetarian: Meat, fish, poultry, and dairy are eliminated on this diet, but eggs are okay.
  4. Pescatarian: It IS a vegetarian diet, and therefore no meat or poultry is allowed, but allows for fish and other seafood.

Nutritional Considerations For Vegetarians

Key nutrients for vegetarians are protein, iron, calcium and vitamin B12. Some examples of protein alternatives are beans, lentils, tofu and nuts. Available are iron – found in spinach, broccoli, fortified cereals.

Where will you get a lot of calcium in just 270 calories? Dairy, nuts, and leafy greens. Both dietary and fortified foods have a good availability of Vitamin B12.

Variety is Key to a Clean Vegetarian Diet Fruits, vegetables, carbohydrates, and sources of protein all play their parts and are necessary to eat from all the different types. This makes sure you do not miss any nutrients which are essential.

Meal planning ensures nutritional balance. Fortified foods can also serve as an option to meet nutritional requirements. Whole foods are better for us than processed options.

What is a Vegan?

What is a Vegan

Vegans do not consume any animal products or by-products such as meat (including fish, shellfish and insects), dairy, eggs and honey. Vegans do not use things made from animals like leather, silk, and wool. They refuse to use animals tested-product and do not support any industry which harms the life of innocent animals.

Nutritional Aspects Of Veganism

All developed vegan diets need to be well-planned in order to avoid a nutrient deficiency. Beans, lentils, tofu: Good protein sources Spinach, chickpeas, and fortifying cereals are some of the contributions of iron Calcium Fortified plant milks, leafy greens

Vitamin B12, which is essential and is usually in supplements or fortified foods. Legumes, nuts and seeds Photo Credit: iStock Minerals: Iodine, Iron and Zinc

It is produced when exposure to sunlight is adequate and can be consumed through certain fortified foods. A variety of food choices are needed to provide essential nutrients.

Lower risk for heart disease: Vegan diets. People may take them for high blood pressure as well. People Find It Easier To Manage Weight. Diets that are vegan are very often high in approximate amount of fiber. Helps in boosting digestion

Increased energy levels according to many vegans. It can also help lower cholesterol levels. Vegan diets can provide general health benefits.

Key Differences

  1. Dairy and Eggs: Dairy-promoters consume dairy products; eggetarians consume eggs; vegans exclude all animal products; some verities of vegetarians do not include milk and egg products.
  2. Animal Products: Vegans, on the other hand, are more strict, and do not consume any animal products – the most commonly shunned item is honey – while vegetarians can consume items such as dairy, eggs, and honey.
  3. Lifestyle Choices: Vegans draw the line from their diet to other choices in their lives, opting not to use any product made from animals and actively not supporting activities that results in harm to any animal. Vegetarians eat with most emphasis on their food.

Benefits of Both Diets

Both vegan and vegetarian diets offer several health benefits:

  1. Lower Risk of Heart Disease: As compared to non-vegetarians, people following vegetarian diet plan often eat far low quantity of saturated excess fat in addition to cholesterol.
  2. Weight Loss: And vegetarian and vegan diets are thus invariably lower in calories – a good thing too, for many of us!
  3. Improved Digestion: Fiber rich food can aid in digestion, and save you from constipation.
  4. Environmental Benefits: Plants obviously require much less land, water, and energy to grow relative to animals so they are a generally culinary friendly alternative!

Social And Cultural Influences

Plant-based foods are popular now; vegan and vegetarian diets are growing in trending. The vegetarian diet can be better accepted in some cultures. In others, vegan diets may be less of a challenge. Food choices influenced by religion.

Buddhist and Hindu cultures also practice a vegetarian diet. 10% or less of the population implements a vegan lifestyle and the lifestyle choice is on an ever-so-slight increase.

There may be limited options available for vegans at social gatherings. Though, vegetarians tend to get more options during events. However, both diets may have profound implications for social networking.

But it also means that friends and family might have to tweak their cooking a little bit. Fine dining is easier for vegetarians to opt for a resort with in-house dining facilities. Vegans have to read the menus a lot more carefully.

Challenges and Tips

  1. Protein Sources: For vegetarians or vegans, consume enough protein source in the form of beans, lentils and tofu.
  2. Vitamin B12: Because vitamin B12 is primarily found in animal products, both diets require vitamin B12 supplements or fortified foods.
  3. Social Situations: Eating out can be difficult when following a vegan or vegetarian diet. Preempt help and warn people supporting you in your new way of eating.


So, in conclusion, even though a vegan diet and vegetarian diet both cut out meat, they are quite different. Vegetarians consume dairy products and eggs; vegans do not. Mostly killing this myth can help to make better informed decisions about their diet and lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions for Difference between Vegan and Vegetarian

What Is A Vegan Diet?

Being a vegan means following a diet that contains no animal products, such as meat, dairy, and eggs. Bulk of the diet is plant-based around vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes.

What Is A Vegetarian Diet?

A vegetarian diet excludes meat but may include dairy and eggs. Vegetarians eat a variety of plant-based foods and animal products.

Can Vegetarians Eat Eggs?

Yes, vegetarians can eat eggs. They avoid meat but may consume animal by-products like eggs and dairy.

Do Vegans Eat Dairy Products?

No, vegans do not eat dairy products. They avoid all animal-derived ingredients, including milk, cheese, and butter.

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